Combs Maternity

The forecast called for rain but when I woke up it was nothing but fog…and I was secretly so excited!! Fog may look dreary and unappealing to some but it is so beautiful and soft. It made the perfect pairing for my couple. They were beautiful together, I couldn’t get over how they nailed every shot. It was like working with a couple of models! Dustin was so gentle and soft with Jessica, it was precious to watch. Jessica has this delicate beauty and she is just stunning! Continue reading

Armstrong Maternity

Filled with the excitement of new life and the love it brings, Courtney and Wade were all smiles during their session. They sure made my job easy and they were a joy to be around. Courtney has a timeless beauty and the most gorgeous eyes! I can say the same about her older daughter and I know her baby girl to be will also be a beauty! Wade had this proud daddy look on his face and I know once baby girl gets here in February you won’t be able to wipe his smile off!! Continue reading

Ashley Maternity

Very few people can say they have known someone their entire life. I met Ashley when we were both around the age of 5 and we have been best friends ever since! We may not be close in distance but we have maintained closeness at heart. I have no words to describe what this girl means to me!! When I found out she was pregnant, I couldn’t be more excited because I know she is going to be a wonderful mommy!! Also, she is having a baby girl just days away from my birthday (and close to her birthday!), talk about a gift that keeps on giving! 🙂 I am so honored to capture such a sweet time in her life. Continue reading

Third Trimester

Well I skipped right over my second trimester…I can’t believe I am now in the third trimester! My second trimester was very busy and FLEW by!! Sadly I have not done so well with keeping up on taking bump pictures (womp womp!)…I guess when you have been there before it isn’t as surprising to see how your body changes each month! Since I have zero torso there is only one way for this baby to go…and that is OUT FRONT!

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First Trimester

ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I can only remember one other time I came close to being this tired…working full time with a little baby! Oh my goodness the exhaustion from the first trimester!! Thankfully now at 17 weeks I feel like I am going uphill on my energy levels and I do feel like a new woman! I think this first trimester had worse symptoms than when I was pregnant with Grayden…so instead of being prepared the second time around…it was surprising! Continue reading

Rutter Family

John is my cousin, in the same family as my beautiful cousin Amanda (see her blog post here). And let me tell you the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree haha!! He and I were on the same page the entire time and I gave little to no direction for him. His wife is STUNNING and she was nailing it too!! I honestly only regret not having some behind the scenes pictures. I am quite short and Cheryl is quite tall so I had to climb on some things to get some of these shots…wouldn’t you like to see that haha!

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