Pep Talk

Everybody has things about them that they don’t like, from weight issues to disliking different body parts. I get it…I mean I am no super model (and that is OK!). My job and my goal isn’t to make you look like someone you are not. My job is to make you comfortable with having your picture taken and to capture YOU…your true self being NATURAL! Sure I may put you in a pose but I let you take it from there and most often my photographs capture you doing your thing and I will be shouting YES!! Stay right there DON’T MOVE!! Haha!! So…since I have had this pep talk with someone at more than one session I figure I would blog it…you say you aren’t photogenic and don’t look good in pictures…here is my answer to that! Continue reading

Stay strong!

I may be stalling in not publishing a very personal post that has been in my drafts for over a week…but I am ok with that!! I don’t know if I am ready to be that transparent and vulnerable yet. So while I continue to ponder and tweak that post, I am trying to sneak another post in! And all in the middle of a busy editing week!! Continue reading

Rutter Family

John is my cousin, in the same family as my beautiful cousin Amanda (see her blog post here). And let me tell you the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree haha!! He and I were on the same page the entire time and I gave little to no direction for him. His wife is STUNNING and she was nailing it too!! I honestly only regret not having some behind the scenes pictures. I am quite short and Cheryl is quite tall so I had to climb on some things to get some of these shots…wouldn’t you like to see that haha!

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Call me a dreamer




If I had a penny for every time someone DASHED my dreams or ideas I would be one rich lady. Most of those people meant no harm and were only trying to be realistic, but there are a few who did. There are those who may be realists and those who are optimists and pessimists but me…call me a dreamer. No matter how impossible it may look I will still SHOOT for the moon!!!



So to those Nay Sayers and realistic views just keep your head up! Never let them bring you down only use those comments as stepping stones in your path to success!!
