Toddler Thoughts Thursday…Potty Training!


One subject that has many opinions would have to be…How to Potty Train? I do not claim to be an expert but we had zero complications with the route we chose so I want to share that with you!! Always remember every child is different and will be ready to train at different times!! You are the one who knows your child best! 🙂 Make sure you don’t forget to love on them no matter what!! Continue reading

Toddler Thoughts Thursday

Well it is official…I have a child in SCHOOL!!! Ahhhhh! It was just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital!! Good grief time really does fly by when you have children! Mamas snuggle those babies close!! I do miss him being a baby but each new development and stage has been pretty fun and exciting!! Continue reading

My Birthday…5 Things!

I take my birthday very serious!! I mean shouldn’t everyone?! That is the day YOU came into this world! Your first breath! The moment your parents fell deep into LOVE with YOU!! I think everyone should celebrate their birthday with the same vigor and excitement as when they were children!! So in honor of my OWN BIRTHday (which was yesterday if you forgot to drop my card in the mail!!! ha ha!!) I am sharing 5 things you didn’t know about my birthday! Continue reading