The story behind this letter E

I thought long and hard about posting this. This is very personal for my family and I am not posting to gain pity but instead to shed some more light on why I chose Maternity and Babies. I will warn you…I got a little long winded but hang in there! **This was originally penned way back at the beginning of April…and before we knew that our prayers were already answered!! I am choosing to still share this story because this is our story to becoming a family of FOUR!**

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Hayley Family

I think I have found a new love…photographing adult children with their parents!! It is such a special moment to capture! Parents with newborns, well they have just met and are just getting used to each other. Of course the LOVE is there and they are completely smitten but…parents with their adult children show a lifetime of LOVE! Ah…I just can’t get enough!! And of course I will be getting my OWN parents into some pictures with me and my brother!! Continue reading