Maddox Newborn

Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. Is there anything better than a sweet new baby?! The more newborns I work with the more I fall in love with Newborn Photography!! Every baby is different and I have learned to let them lead the way! Baby Maddox was my biggest baby yet! He didn’t fit in one of my baskets so thankfully I was prepared with multiple setups. I couldn’t get over how alert he was! He wasn’t going to miss a thing!

You may remember Jessica and Dustin’s dreamy maternity session (check it out here in case you missed it!). They had the perfect setting and the fog was glorious! These two could be models they are so gorgeous and I knew their little boy was going to be handsome!! He sure was the most handsome little fox!!

Mister Maddox was a hungry boy…he ate and ate again ha ha! That gave him a nice full belly to finally drift off to sleep! We planned on doing some with just his nakey little butt…BUT he had sneaky plans…and messes were made!! Ha ha!! Mama got the mess this time! Sooooo…to be safe…he kept his diaper ON! Ha ha!

I fell in love with this location! The exposed brick and concrete floors have me all like YES!!! So thankful for a local photographer who rents it out! I am still swooning over this beautiful family!!




Get ready for the cutest little baby fox EVER! I was so excited Jessica had a specific look in mind! And those tiny toes!!!


Some of my favorite things to do, is to capture generational photos! Four generations of amazing women and a new little fella!!

I can’t get over this photo…he is SO proud!!!

I see a FAINT smile on daddy!! He is the strong serious type…but I know he is a proud daddy…I see it!



They did so great! So glad I could be a part of this special time!





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