
When our last furbaby passed away I really didn’t think we would get another animal for awhile. I knew Grayden needed a companion but we put the idea of a cat on the back burner. Then Steve came along. The perfect package I may say (Thanks for passing the info to us Bobby!!)…or purrrrfect…haha ok but seriously. This cat is amazing. The first night he was here…no…the first HOURS he was here he was purring when we loved on him! He never hissed or growled (and still hasn’t!) he only hid at first which is very typical. Day two he stayed in our bedroom and Day three he was roaming the entire house. He transitioned so smoothly and quickly than I ever expected. My heart was guarded at first…but he made me love him (by licking me daily…I don’t think I have ever had a cat groom me!!) 🙂

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When Grayden was born our animals were much older and had never experienced children. This time Steve is younger than Grayden and he actually seeks him out and plays so well!! It will never get old hearing the way Grayden giggles when he throws a toy and Steve brings it back to him! The only time I have heard him meow is when Grayden is crying (or if he thinks he is lost lol). The other night I caught Steve waiting patiently and checking Grayden out in the bath…so adorable!!

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We are loving our new four-legged baby!!


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