Powell’s Welding

So it is time to give my own business a spotlight! Well I guess it is only partly MY business…it is mainly Brent’s business…but I help! 🙂 Having a house full of small businesses is a little frightening at times since we live in a world full of mega stores and cheap labor but following our dreams and passions was no question the best move we have made. Continue reading

Christmas Mini Sessions

If I am being honest…I never thought I would hold Christmas Mini Sessions! I really love to customize each session around you and your family! Since I will be taking all of December off I thought about just doing a Christmas Special to end my season/year with a bang! Continue reading

No gear? No Problem!

There is one thing I think most people who start their own business have in common, you have to make money to spend money! And anyone in the business of photography knows, gear is expensive. So since I am in the beginning of this venture there are a few pieces of gear I do not have yet. One is a speedlite. This nifty gadget would come in handy during a session where there is low light and it would provide off camera lighting.

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