Breath of Fresh Air

There are times when you get so caught up in life you forget to breathe. You forget why you are here and your purpose. It can happen more than once in your life. Life can become stagnant and may even turn negative. You will wake up one day and want to give up but don’t give in and give up. Don’t let negative win or darkness win. Find that light in your life and find that positivity. I found myself recently struggling to breathe. Going through day to day tasks but not allowing myself a break. A TRUE break. So that led me to finding my breaking point and I realized where I was headed. It wasn’t a good place. I had to break free of the mundane every day and refresh my spirit. So I did. And it helped. What also helped is our church has invited an Evangelist specializing in Overcoming Life’s Impossibilities. We are on day two and I feel more refreshed than ever! Sometimes it feels like you are just going through the motions but when you stop to breathe you realize to take steps on purpose. Take steps ON PURPOSE! Allow yourself time to BREATHE! No more excuses of not enough time, there is always time for yourself. Remind yourself that!

I am thankful that each time I find myself struggling, I am reminded by the Lord that I need to take a fresh breath. Sometimes it is a soft reminder and sometimes a bit stronger depending on how deep I have gotten. Sometimes the reminder is a whisper on my heart and other times it is something (or someone) physical. God places people in our lives for a reason. We don’t always know what that reason is at first which is why we should always treat each other with Love and Respect. You never know, they could be your next breath.



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